
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

January 2012

Dear blog, sorry I've been so distant these past few months. I told you that my life in Japan had become a bit normal, un-postworthy, and the late nights out were spent with a glass of shochu in my hand alongside friends. You have no interest such day-to-day trivial matters. And thus I let you be.

But it's time to confess. I've been seeing someone else.

Not just seeing. No, it's more. I've been uploading almost daily. I've even uploaded to you mere minutes after uploading to my new obsession.

Ramen Adventures - and now you know.

What? You're cool with that? Really? You even admit to being approached by strangers who wanted to guest blog on you?

2012 is going to be a good year.


Satanic tax forms from one of my jobs.

Tonki is the raddest tonkotsu shop in Tokyo.



Pre-packaged sammiches.







$600 cut of tuna.
