A recap of the month.

That's Oshima, just south of Tokyo, on the way to Nishima.

Nishima was, according to legend, a weekend getaway for everyone in the 80s. A ferry ride from Shimoda or a plane from Chofu, thousands flocked here on the weekends. Now it is dead, and you'll have the whole beach to yourself.

Kind of a trek, so you'd best have your friend fly you in a private plane for the day.

What an adventure, though I don't fit in the front seat of this Cessna without my knees blocking the controls.

Didn't make it to Detroit, just the next best thing.

Made it to Kyushu for some food, though.

If you follow my Instagram you can see all the stuff I ate:

There was a lot of ramen.

O hai!

Rode this amazing train!

Finally. Actually, there is no hype around it anymore, and you should have no problem getting a seat.

O hai!

Thank you Niigata!

What's Niigata, you ask?

Don't know, but it's a fun spot to visit.

The new computer. I asked a friend who works in tech if he had any spare video cards lying around that he could give me. Talk about a hookup! Nerds, I am fully aware that my power supply isn't ideal for a GeForce Titan GTX.

Cork dork?
Ramen dork?